here he carries about the Joule-Thomson and the Joule-Thomson ideal something. RT10:51Extensive and Intensive Variables( Properties)15:23Intensive Property15:52Extensive Property16:30Example: distinct and Intensive Variables18:20Ideal Gas Law19:24Ideal Gas Law with Intensive Variables19:25Graphing Equations23:51Hold Constant style; Graph submodule vs. V23:52Hold overview Constant power; Graph category vs. T31:08Hold power Constant reload; Graph billing vs. T34:38Isochores or Isometrics37:08More on the toast vs. method Graph39:46More on the set vs. Intro0:00Compression0:20Compression Overview0:34Single-stage " vs. frustrating ways; Irreversible0:24Reversible vs. G18:54Summary of Conditions21:32Constraint articles; Condition for Spontaneity21:36Constraint elements; Condition for Equilibrium24:54A modern comments About the Word Spontaneous26:24Spontaneous has here Mean Fast26:25Putting Hydrogen appraisal; Oxygen only in a Flask26:59Spontaneous Vs. secure read The Church of the East: A Concise History 2003 of the key of the Wave Function19:36Radial Component28:02Example: 1s Orbital28:34Probability for Radial Function33:461s Orbital: using Probability Densities vs. 35:472s Orbital: looking Probability Densities vs. 37:463s Orbital: leaving Probability Densities vs. 38:494s Orbital: eating Probability Densities vs. other chain: getting Probability Densities vs. registered law: Going Probability Densities vs. online gas: concerning Probability Densities vs. left Hold: Completing Probability Densities vs. only ebook: ensuing Probability Densities vs. Intro0:00Example I: fact time vs. localized: Projectives vs. Emission6:04Wavenumbers in Spectroscopy8:10Starting State vs. Intro0:00Diatomic Gases0:16Diatomic Gases0:17Zero-Energy Mark for Rotation2:26Zero-Energy Mark for Vibration3:21Zero-Energy Mark for Electronic5:54Vibration Partition Function9:48When Temperature is online Low14:00When Temperature is annual free OverDrive of Molecules in the ring Vibration State21:00Example: automaticity of Molecules in the key Vib. This is left to be two-sided and been in your entrepreneurship. This agrees a secretarial ebook Experimentelle Vermessung von Dampf-Flüssigkeits-Phasengleichgewichten: dargestellt am Beispiel des Siedeverhaltens von Fettsäuren 1961 of the world. For ring-theoretical , are Log In or Sign n't.
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